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Academic Handbook Student Voice

Student Voice Strategy


  1. ’Student Voice’ mechanisms at Northeastern University London (the University) are designed to provide students with the most effective means of providing constructive feedback to the University in order to enrich their overall student experience.
  2. Students are encouraged to actively participate during their studies with feedback and suggestions, not only to help mould their own learning experiences, but also those of their fellow students.
  3. This strategy should be read in conjunction with AQF10 Student Voice.

How is the Student Introduction Voice Heard?

  1. The University aims to create and maintain an open culture for all students to express their viewpoints and concerns. Some more formal and informal processes are available to students, but are not limited to the following:
    1. Student Engagement Committee; Learner Voice
    2. Student representation on University committees, such as: Teaching, Learning and Enhancement Committee; Work Related Learning Management Board; Health and Safety Committee; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee; and Fair Access and Participation Strategy Group.
    3. Student satisfaction surveys.
    4. Student Union, with a representative f sitting on Academic Board.
    5. Academic Adviser.
    6. Student Café.
    7. Informal conversations with faculty, through the one-to-one tutorial system.
    8. Meetings (formal and informal) with Academic Services i.e., Registrar, Academic Registrar, Registry Team, Student Support and Development, Academic Support, Residence Life Team, and Quality Team.
    9. Consultation regarding development of University policies, procedures and programme/course modifications.
    10. External research, such as NSS and Graduate Outcomes.

What are the Benefits for the Students?

  1. Benefits for students include:
  • Contributing towards both their own College experience and that of fellow students
  • Enhancing presentation, listening, communication, and other transferable skills 
  • Enhancing the CVs of elected student representative and Student Union officers
  • Affecting the way in which they are taught, and their learning environment
  • Seeing where their engagement has brought about change and improvement
  • Having a greater sense of belonging to a community

What are the benefits for the University?

  1. Benefits for the College include:
    1. Contributing towards both their own University experience and that of fellow students.
    2. Enhancing presentation, listening, communication, and other transferable skills.
    3. Enhancing the CVs of elected student representatives and Student Union officers.
    4. Affecting the way in which they are taught, and their learning environment.
    5. Seeing where their engagement has brought about change and improvement.
    6. Having a greater sense of belonging to a community.

Modes of Communication

  1. The University encourages students to engage in various ways but, most importantly, through modes of communication with which they feel comfortable. Some examples of these are:
    1. Via elected student representatives.
    2. Anonymous satisfaction surveys.
    3. Email correspondence.
    4. Written correspondence (letters).
    5. Face-to-face meetings with faculty and Academic Services.
    6. Complaints Procedure for Students.

Closing the Loop

  1. As important as gaining student feedback, it is important that students know how their feedback is used or in some cases, where it is not feasible to be acted upon. Demonstrating how student feedback enhances the provision of the University, helps to encourage students to continue to provide valuable feedback, which helps inform the University’s decision-making processes.
  2. The University updates the students with enhancements in the following ways:
    1. Minutes of meetings through Student Representatives and Canvas.
    2. ‘Your Voice Leads to Change’ infographics.
    3. Updates during Student Engagement Committee; Learner Voice meetings.
    4. Updates at Student Voice Cafes.
    5. Quality Assurance induction at the start of the academic year.
    6. Student Satisfaction Survey Report.

Reporting, Monitoring, and Reviewing

  1. The student voice mechanisms are reviewed regularly by the Quality Team, using feedback from students and staff.
  2. Any proposed modifications are presented to Academic Board for approval prior to implementation.
  3. An annual Student Satisfaction Survey Report is approved by Academic Board as outlined in AQF 5 Annual Monitoring and Reporting.

Version History

Title: Student Voice Strategy

Approved by: Academic Board

Location: Academic Handbook/ Strategies

Version Number Date Approved Date Published  Owner  Proposed Next Review Date
23.4.1 December 2023 December 2023 Head of Quality Assurance June 2028
23.4.0 July 2023 July 2023 Head of Quality Assurance June 2028
Version numbering system revised March 2023
3.0 November 2020 November 2020 Head of Quality Assurance June 2022
2.1 July 2019 July 2019 Head of Quality Assurance June 2020
2.0 June 2018 June 2018 Head of Quality Assurance June 2020
Referenced documents AQF10 Student Voice
External Reference Point(s) UK Quality Code Theme: Student Engagement